Jaun Eliya – Shaairon Ke Shayar

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Syed Hussain Jaun Asghar Naqvi, commonly known as Jaun Elia, was an Indo-Pak Urdu poet, philosopher, biographer, and scholar. He was the brother of Rais Amrohvi and Syed Muhammad Taqi, who were journalists and psychoanalysts. He was fluent in Urdu, Arabic, English, Persian, Sanskrit and Hebrew. He was ahead of his times and there are times he was misunderstood due to his unconventional ways.

Jaun is still extremely popular even 20 years after his death. His work is still alive. Young generation in India, Pakistan & Dubai hold him in high regard. He was regarded as a poet of poets. It is an understatement to say I am a big fan of his poetry.

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